For this episode, I continue with the mini series of planetary meditations. For this mini series, I take you on a journey to connect with all 7 classical planets of antiquity. We will be using the classical planets. These are the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
For the planetary meditations, I will be using the Greek Vowels to call upon the planet, as per the Greek Magical Papyri and we shall also be using some of the Orphic Hymns during the meditations.
You will notice, that for these planetary meditations I will be changing some parts at the beginning. You do not visit your Oak tree for these, but what you do is open your door to a different dimension, a room that sits between the worlds.
For this meditation I am using one of the Hymns of Orpheus, translated by Thomas Taylor (1792). For this particular episode I am using the Hymn VII, to Helios:
Hear golden Titan, whose eternal eye
With broad survey, illumines all the sky.
Self-born, unwearied in diffusing light,
And to all eyes the mirror of delight:
Lord of the seasons, with your fiery car
And leaping coursers, beaming light from far:
With your right hand the source of morning light,
And with your left the father of the night.
Agile and vigorous, venerable Sun,
Fiery and bright around the heavens you run.
Foe to the wicked, but the good man’s guide,
Over all his steps propitious you preside:
With various sounding, golden lyre, it is yours
To fill the world with harmony divine.
Father of ages, guide of prosperous deeds,
The world’s commander, borne by lucid steeds,
Immortal Zeus, all-searching, bearing light,
Source of existence, pure and fiery bright
Bearer of fruit, almighty lord of years,
Agile and warm, whom every power reveres.
Great eye of Nature and the starry skies,
Doomed with immortal flames to set and rise
Dispensing justice, lover of the stream,
The world’s great despot, and over all supreme.
Faithful defender, and the eye of right,
Of steeds the ruler, and of life the light:
With sounding whip four fiery steeds you guide,
When in the car of day you glorious ride.
Propitious on these mystic labours shine,
And bless your suppliants with a life divine.
Below are a few books to get you started on Planetary Magic. I recommend you read Sorita D’Este and David Rankine’s book first. It is a very good book which has been thoroughly researched. I ask my trainees to read this book during training. Also you will find the link for more information on the Orphic Hymns.
If you want to know more on the PGM or the Greek Magical Papyri, I have written about it here.
Hope you enjoy the journey!
Useful books:
Betz, H., 1992. The Greek magical papyri in translation, including the Demotic spells. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
D’este, Sorita and Rankine, D. (2007). Practical planetary magick : working the magick of the classical planets in the western mystery. Avalonia.
Dunn, P. (2018). The Orphic hymns : a new translation for the occult practitioner. Woodbury, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications.
Mierzwicki, T. (2006). Graeco-Egyptian magick : everyday empowerment. Stafford: Megalithica Books.
Opus, R. (2016). Seven Spheres. Nephilim press
Useful websites: