
Samhain movies

I do love this time of the year, autumn makes itself known and Samhain (or Halloween) comes at the end of October. And with Samhain, the talk of witchy movies starts.

As the nights are getting colder, there is nothing better than to sit down with a glass or cup of something. I prefer a glass of wine, but many others might be holding a lovely cup of tea. I also burn a lot of candles in the evening. My lounge has an array of candle holders and night light holders, all of which I light at night and of course, I turn all the electric lights off. I also love burning incense sticks, as I feel it adds to the mood.

But what shall I be watching? Well, I grew up watching some great movies, which are now considered ‘classics’… yes, I am that old. But also love watching the new movies, which portray witches in great fashion.

Yes, I am a fan of the Harry Potter movies, but I started with the books. I read all the books to my eldest daughter as she was growing up. She loves it so much that for her 21st birthday we went to see Cursed Child in London. A totally amazing theatre production and a must see!

Back to movies… well, my list of favourite movies is below:

#1 Practical Magic

My absolute favourite of all time, is Practical Magic. I could watch this movie time and time again. The two sisters, who are the daughters of witches and in turn granddaughters of witches, live in a small town where they are picked on for being different. The story takes us through the journey that this family of witches has had to endure and how the overcome their challenges.

The movie is based on the book Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, which I read only a last year. What an absolute delight. I also recommend the prequel to the book called The Rules of Magic. The wonderful back history to Practical Magic. And she has just released Magic Lessons, which I am currently reading and totally hooked on it.

#2 The Witches

As a child I watched The Witches movie time and time again, and when my girls were growing up I showed to them too.

The movie is based on the book by Roald Dahl, The Witches. It is the story of a young boy who becomes an orphan and goes to live with his grandmother. They go on holiday to a lovely hotel in the coast of England, where they find that a convention is taking place. This convention happens to be a convention of witches that are preparing a plot to get rid of all the children of England.

A remake is planned for release late October 2020!! Can’t wait to see it.

#3 The Craft

For me the ultimate witch chick flick, The Craft. A new girl moves to town and makes friends with the outcast teenagers. Soon they start practicing witchcraft.

What is even better, for October 2020 a new follow up movie is being released, The Craft: Legacy.

#4 Stardust

This movie is based on Neil Gaiman’s novel, Stardust. It follows the life of a young man who ventures into a magical world to look for a star.

This is a truly beautiful movie with an amazing cast and worth watching over and over.

#5 Bedknobs and Broomsticks

This movie is a total classic. Set in time of war, it follows the adventures of three kids who are sent to stay with an apprentice witch.

My two kids watched this movie over and over again. Yes, the CGI is not to modern standards, but still a lovely story none the less.

I am sure you have your favourites which I do not mention here, this are the ones I love… and a little confession I must tell, I have never watched Hocus Pocus… So that is most definitely on my list to watch!

Enjoy your Halloween whatever you are doing. Celebrate Samhain and welcome your ancestors on the Day of the Dead. Three times to celebrate!


Further reading