

The famous Stele of Jeu, PGM V 96

The first time I heard of this rite it was by another wiccan friend, who said she was doing this ritual every day from full moon to full moon. Must confess I had no idea what she was on about, however, once I listened to the SHWEP podcast, I...

The first experience, PGM VII 505

So having discovered the PGM, I decided to read as much as I could and watch or listen to as many interviews as possible of anyone with experience on the PGM. However, I was also keen to get stuck in as soon as possible and experiment. I found a lot...

What is Wicca?

In order to understand this podcast and the coven that I run, we should look at the beginnings of Wicca, where it came from and who was instrumental in its development. It is not my intention to take you on a historical journey. I am merely going to...